Legal Remedy for Domestic Violence in Nepal
Domestic violence can occurs within any family relationships living together, joint family in shared householders related by decent, marriage and adoption.
Domestic Violence (Offence and Punishment Act, 2066 (2009) prevents, control violence occurring within family providing legal remedy for domestic violence by punishing to defendant and protection of victims in Nepal.
What is Domestic Violence?

Where to file complaint by victim of domestic violence in Nepal?

Legal Process of Domestic Violence in Nepal

Legal Remedy to Victim of Domestic Violence in Nepal
- Defendant will bear expenses of Medical treatment of victim
- Compensation according degree of pain suffered by victim.
- Fine: Three thousand rupees to twenty five thousand rupees
- Imprisonment : six months of prisonment or both
- Attempts or abeators are liable for half punishment of perpetrator.
- On each repetition of domestic violence, in each time punishment will be double.
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